Early plate tectonics was surprisingly speedy
Ars Technica August 2023
Precise rock dates and measurements of their ancient magnetic field show that a chunk of Western Australia once raced across the globe at over 64 cm a year.
Image credit: Jennifer Kasbohm
Mass extinction event 260 million years ago resulted from climate change, studies say
Ars Technica July 2023
In a lesser-known mass extinction event 260 million years ago, scientists found signs of climate warming, wildfire, floods, ecosystem collapse, & ocean anoxia.
Image credit: Dmitry Bogdanov DiBgd CCBYSA 3.0
The complicated history of how the Earth’s atmosphere became breathable
Ars Technica May 2023
In Earth’s oxygenation, the roles of the biosphere and geosphere were inseparable.
Image credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images
Nuclear Waste Borehole Demonstration Center started
Ars Technica March 2023
Collaborators are lined up, but the center is homeless at the moment
Image credit: Deep Isolation
All the ways the most common bit of climate misinformation is wrong
Ars Technica March 2023
Experts in a range of natural cycles explain why modern climate change isn't anything to do with them!
Image credit: Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images
Could deep boreholes solve our nuclear waste problem?
Ars Technica February 2023
Boreholes could provide an alternative to centralized mined waste repositories.
Image credit: Sandia Labs
Earth’s long-term climate controlled by just 12% of the landscape
Ars Technica February 2023
New work makes sense of mismatches between the lab and the planet's behavior.
Image credit: Chmee2/Wikimedia CC-by-SA
How the world of the end-Triassic extinction was similar to today—and how it differed
Ars Technica February 2023
Past environmental crises let us reverse-engineer how our planet works.
Image credit: Victor Leshyk
New imaging finds trigger for massive global warming 56 million years ago
Ars Technica January 2023
56 million years ago, hot magma scorched the sediments under the Atlantic seafloor.
Image credit: PoRoCLIM
New maps of ancient warming reveal strong response to carbon dioxide
Ars Technica October 2022
Past warming hints at rising sensitivity to CO2, widespread changes in rainfall.
Image credit: Tierney et al PNAS